Sandrats Media
Tedium free TV
Our productions inspire: 2 minutes 2 million, fact or fake, quiz master, quiz hunt, 2 minutes 2 mentors, top 5, are you crazy, the cooking giants, Homoaustriacus and many more
The Sandrats
TV production with experience, passion and know-how
Sandrats Media GmbH is an independent television production company based in Vienna and was founded in 2013 by the Austrian TV producer Sandra Klingohr. With great passion for top-class TV entertainment and many years of experience in the TV business, the developer and program manager for successful TV Shows like “Echt Fett”, “Wir sind Kaiser”, “Die Große Chance” and many more. Now she develops new projects with her own production company.
Producing high-quality TV shows, concept development for TV productions, editorial project support and editorial preparation and implementation of TV castings are among the core competencies of Sandrats Media GmbH.
We produce, among other things, the successful formats 2 Minutes 2 Million , Quiz Master and Fact or Fake .
Sandra Klingohr
Executive chief rat & producer
Elisabeth Hötzl
Chief Operating Officer
All services from one provider: from start to finish
TV format development &
editorial support
Creative ideas for every budget and every slot: No matter if you need a documentary series, TV show with audience or quiz show.
Calculation & planning
& production
Individual & effective planning of your project as well as smooth handling of the shooting.
Post production & completions
Editing, voice recording, sound mixing, color correction, completion and creation of the transmitter master in one house
Our Team
The company consists of a basic team, which is optimally supplemented according to the respective production requirements.
Production & Administration
Editorial & Directing
Let’s Talk
Sandrats Media GmbH
Walter-Jurmann Gasse 4, 1230 Vienna
Phone: 43 (0) 1 80 120